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Post – 19/11/2020

Capturs Model C is the most powerful Sigfox GPS tracker in the world

This period of Sigfox Connect is a very good opportunity for us to come back to you with good news. We are pleased to announce that the Capturs Model C GPS tracker is quite simply the most powerful and efficient Sigfox GPS tracker in the world in its category! Let’s see here why we can say this and how it is fundamental to the choice of your tracking solution.

A versatile tracker, the Capturs Model C (technical sheet) is a small IP 67 box with an integrated antenna allowing live geolocation with very low operating costs and record autonomy. It uses Sigfox’s worldwide Low-Power Wide-Area Network to transmit position data, and addresses the market of tracking versatile industrial assets (vehicles, trucks, equipment, returnable assets, production parts, boxes, etc.) in small or large volumes. Its numerous uses and low price make it one of the most attractive products in its range.

Now, among the different GPS trackers available on the market, in what way is the Capturs Model C the most efficient? Why is it fundamental to take a good look at the performance criteria when choosing your IoT solution?

You need to understand the “Class” system. Sigfox classifies objects by effective radiated power (called EIRP for “Effective Isotropic Radiated Power”). Class 0u being the best and Class 3u the worst. The network coverage given on is given for Class 0 objects, so it is imperative to maximise the chances of signal reception, especially as the use is often disturbed by the environment (concrete, metal, interior…). First conclusion : it is therefore mandatory to choose a Class 0u object and to eliminate all objects of lower class. Sigfox recommends to design only class 0u objects (while allowing the sale of lower class objects that may be suitable in very special cases such as static objects in an on-purpose covered environment). Tracking is an even more demanding use case because in movement, it is absolutely essential to choose a Class 0u object as the loss of message can be important due to the conjunction of movement and relief.

The Sigfox class is determined during the mandatory radio tests, carried out by a certified laboratory in an anechoic chamber. The goal is to test the radiated power as well as the quality of the spectrum in all directions, in addition to electromagnetic compatibility and other tests.

The aim, and also the most complex to achieve, is to have the highest radiated power while not exceeding the legal maximum. In Europe the maximum allowed is 14 dBm and the minimum to be considered Class 0u by Sigfox is 12 dBm (see table above). Considering the fact that the enclosure will often cause intrinsic attenuation of the signal and disturb its omnidirectionality, a minimum power greater than 14 dBm is required to hope to reach the highest permitted power on the day of the tests (Sigfox recommends 16 dBm)… and in all directions.

The challenge is therefore not easy and the secret of success lies in the assembly of the best components, a very advanced antenna design and tuning, and a precise positioning in the enclosure.

This is why we are proud to announce today that we have obtained the best maximum allowable power (14dBm at 360° around a defined axis) and that, among the 0u class objects, the tracker Capturs Model C has the highest power and this power is not exceedable since it reaches the maximum allowed. It is therefore not possible to offer better performance on the market for a Sigfox GPS tracker in RC1.

So when choosing your GPS tracker for assets, the Capturs Model C will simply be the most powerful in the world and no other tracker can do better… this should guide your choice!

We are at your disposal to tell you more and give you all the commercial information on the different Capturs products. Please contact one of our sales representatives to learn about the trackers and our full Capturs IoT SaaS platform.

Capturs IoT SaaS is the online software suite of Capturs (technical sheet). It allows the use of Capturs tags and Capturs Android / IoS mobile application in a powerful and versatile online software. Capturs SaaS is available on all platforms, web and mobile and allows the integration of hardware from other OEMs. The interface is customizable and available in white label.

Capturs IoT SaaS uses the smart data sent by the sensors on the cloud to generate analysis and reports that create a ROI on specific activities. The relevance of the analysis and the perfect adaptation of the assessed data to the business allows a faster and consequent realization of the predicted savings.

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