Rowing strokes for Stephane Brogniard.
The Capturs team went to meet Stephane Brogniart, a top-level sportsman. He has just finished his big challenge, the crossing of Lake Geneva in 30 hours, i.e. 200 km of rowing.
The challenge
“It was really rewarding, but I had to prepare myself beforehand. I had to make sure that I was leaving in good conditions. So I did a training session, I spent a few hours in the boat to test it, to see if I felt good. Then we improved some safety features.
For all of us, it was a life-size test, a great experience! I had planned an initial route from Evian to Montreux, to Geneva and back to Evian. However, the wind conditions made me change the plan.”
The performance
“The weather conditions made me change course: there was a lot of wind and I couldn’t cope with it. I’m satisfied, I still rowed about 30 hours, a little over 110 km.
I lived in it for three and a half days, it was pretty good. It was training for my future Pacific crossing.
[…] I’m really satisfied, I gave the best of myself. As I do ultra-trail, it’s completely different but I was able to adapt. I have adapted my skills from one sport to another.”
The interest in Capturs
“This is a project that I want to work on collectively. I’m preparing for the Pacific crossing, I’m leaving in a complete impossible. I’m leaving for a challenge that has never been achieved. What’s more, we don’t even know if it’s going to be feasible. The Capturs tracker is so that my relatives and supporters can follow me, so that they know where I am.
I’m going to spend 6 months alone in a boat without assistance, without supplies, it’s almost impossible… but we’re going to make it possible!
The interest of the tracker is to be followed: people go on this link and it’s simple and practical to know where I am. It’s easy, quick, and very useful!”

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