LED Status:
Searching network | ● fast flash |
Registered to network | ● slow flash |
SIM is locked by PIN | ● fixed |
Not connected to network | ● dark |
GPS fix in progress | ● fast flash |
Successful GPS fix | ● slow flash |
GPS is off | ● dark |
Power on, Power off and operation:
During power on | Both the LEDs will be on to indicate the tracker is being powered on. |
When checking the traceur status | Both the LEDs will be on to indicate the tracker still works. |
During power off | Both the LEDs will flash simultaneously to indicate the tracker is being powered off. |
LED Status:
● fast flash: Searching network
● slow flash: Registered to network
● fixed: SIM is locked by PIN
● dark: Not connected to network
● fast flash: GPS fix in progress
● slow flash: Successful GPS fix
● dark: GPS is off
Power on, Power off and operation:
During power on: Both the LEDs will be on to indicate the device is being powered on.
When checking the tracker status: Both the LEDs will be on to indicate the device still works.
During power off: Both the LEDs will flash simultaneously to indicate the device is being powered off.