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Via “My Private Shares”:
Create a share and activate it by clicking on to make the icon turn red.
Copy the link to share by clicking on and send it.

How to create and modify a share of one or more GPS trackers ?
Capturs allows you to create “Shares”, i.e. unique internet addresses (URLs) that will allow access to anyone who has the address to access your tracking, temporarily or not. It is possible to deactivate this tracking at any time. These addresses should be treated with care as they give access to your location.

1 – On the Capturs interface, open the left menu and click on My Private Shares.

2 – Click on the button + to create a new share. Your share will appear.

– To change the name of your share, click .
– To delete your share, click .
– To turn on/off your share, click .
– To select the tracker that you want to share, click .
– To change the track length, click .
– To add a GPX track to your share, click .
– To copy the share link and send it to your friends and family, click .

Via the smartphone tracking:
Once you have activated tracking on your smartphone, click on the share icon in the insert before start tracking.

How do I start/stop live tracking using my smartphone’s GPS tracker?
On the Capturs application, you need to activate the tracking functionality of your smartphone:

1 – Click on your name or profile picture at the top right of the interface.

2 – Click on General.

3 – Activate the GPS tracking with the phone.

Then, you must activate the GPS tracking:

1 – Activate the position and mobile data on your smartphone.

2 – From the Map, click on to start and configure the tracking.

3 – An insert appears:
Choose the frequency of sending the position (2min or 10s).
Share your tracking link if you wish.
Click on continue.
4 – To stop the live tracking, click on and on stop tracking.

Via “Map”:
Click on the icon and choose the share you want to use. Copy the link and share it. and share the link.