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Metallic environment
A metallic environment disturbs Sigfox radio waves and can lead to signal losses. Do not use Sensors near or surrounded by a large metal object (water bottle).

When it hasn’t been working for some time, the GPS needs to know the satellite constellation. It will automatically download the ephemeris and store it in its memory to get its position faster in the next fix. The first fix can thus be longer depending on the environment. A clear environment during the first fix will improve system performance. The ephemeris is valid for about 4 hours.
GPS does not work indoors. The Sigfox network, on the other hand, will often be operational. Movement information without position indications can thus be used in the software in a transparent way for the user, thus increasing its capacities. An approximate position can also be given by radio triangulation.

GPS tracker position
Position the GPS tracker preferably with the eyelet facing up and the face with the Capturs Logo facing out. Do not attach the GPS tracker to the eyelet as the vibratory motion of the pendulum will affect performance. The ideal is an external backpack pocket, such as a mesh pocket that is well maintained in the indicated position. Otherwise, position the GPS tracker with the face with the Capturs logo facing upwards.

Wearing the GPs tracker on a person
The principle of radio waves emission applies: the less obstacles we have, i.e. the more we are facing a free field, the better the result will be.
Thus on a person, the ideal is to carry it in an external pocket of the backpack or on the belt well maintained in the right direction, following the principles of positioning explained in the previous paragraphs. Avoid places where the beacon moves in all directions, turns over, vibrates too much or undergoes a continuous pendulum movement.
The GPS tracker will also work in pockets or bags, as the environment may have an influence. A metal frame or formwork will greatly degrade radio performance.
The higher the GPS tracker is carried, with no obstructions around it, and is well maintained, the better the result will be.