Commercial : +33780912481 | Support : +33780916070 (Lun-Ven)
You can send different types of alerts depending on your tracker.

Model B (or A) GPS tracker: Area entry, area exit, motion detection, no motion, powering-Off, absence, 3 press button, 1 press button, 2 press button, 4 press button, 1 long press button and low battery.

Model C GPS tracker: Area entry, area exit, motion detection, no motion, absence, low battery.

Performance GSM, Endurance GSM, Mini GSM GPS trackers: Area entry, area exit, motion detection, no motion, absence, low battery.

OBD GSM, Power GSM GPS trackers: Area entry, area exit, motion detection, no motion, absence, unpluging.

Smartphone tracker via Capturs application: Area entry, area exit, motion detection, no motion.