When the GPS tracker is in an area not covered by the Sigfox network, the data sent by the GPS tracker cannot be received and therefore visible on the web or mobile interface. However, the GPS tracker Model B continues to record the positions in its internal memory (the “logger”), and it is therefore possible to recover the trip afterwards thanks to the Capturs software.
The logger of the Model B GPS tracker allows the recording of positions closer than the positions sent in real time thanks to the Sigfox network. The Capturs software for PC and Mac is available for download on this page.
In order to retrieve these recorded positions, it is necessary to connect the GPS tracker with the USB cable to a PC/Mac and launch the Capturs software. And thanks to the software and the computer’s internet connection, the recorded positions are retrieved and then visible on the web and mobile interface.
The Capturs software is essential for the configuration of your device and the export to your Capturs space of the tracks recorded via the logger.