1 – On the Capturs interface, open the left menu and click on Areas.
2 – Click on the button + to access to the addition of the new area.
3 – Create a specific area by moving the points that surround it, give it a name, a color and validate. Create all the areas you need this way.
4 – All the areas you created are now on the map at the top of this same page. They are also saved in the library of your account in order to reuse them by creating area alerts.
5 – The check in / check out table is at the bottom of the same page. It allows you to have precise data on the trackers that have entered or left these areas, as well as the times and dates.
2 – Click on the button + to access to the addition of the new area.
3 – Create a specific area by moving the points that surround it, give it a name, a color and validate. Create all the areas you need this way.
4 – All the areas you created are now on the map at the top of this same page. They are also saved in the library of your account in order to reuse them by creating area alerts.
5 – The check in / check out table is at the bottom of the same page. It allows you to have precise data on the trackers that have entered or left these areas, as well as the times and dates.