Some configurations do not have by default the drivers to recognize the device, download and install them if necessary, the drivers are available for download on the page depending on the computer’s operating system. If...
The Capturs software for PC and Mac is available for download on this page.The Capturs software is essential for the configuration of your device and the export to your Capturs space of the tracks recorded via the...
To update the firmware of the GPS tracker, it is necessary to have the Capturs software for PC/Mac and to connect the GPS tracker to the computer via USB cable. How do I download the Capturs software? The Capturs software for PC and Mac is available for download on...
To configure the time intervals of the GPS tracker Model B (or Model A) messages, it is necessary to have the Capturs software for PC/Mac and to connect the device to the computer via USB cable. How do I download the Capturs software? The Capturs software for PC and...
To configure the “flight mode” or 3D of the GPS tracker Model B, it is necessary to have the Capturs software for PC/Mac and to connect the GPs tracker to the computer via USB cable. How do I download the Capturs software? The Capturs software for PC and Mac is...
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