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How to choose a car GPS tracker ?

How to choose a car GPS tracker ?

How to choose a car GPS tracker ? Blog post – 13/01/2022 The term GPS for a car is a bit ambiguous, since it can be used both to designate a GPS tracker, i.e. a box that indicates the position of the car in real time on a web or mobile application, and to...
Beehive theft: a scourge for beekeepers.

Beehive theft: a scourge for beekeepers.

Beehive theft: a scourge for beekeepers. How GPS trackers help. Article – 08/12/2021 The theft of beehives is a real scourge for beekeepers who lose a significant investment (in total several thousand euros per hive if we count the equipment, the colony, the...
Top 10 cars accessories 2024: gift ideas for vehicles

Top 10 cars accessories 2024: gift ideas for vehicles

Top 10 cars accessories: gift ideas for vehicles Christmas is coming and it’s not always easy to find the perfect gift. In order to combine the useful with the pleasant, we have concocted our list of the best accessories to offer to a person for his car. This list is...
How to place a GPS tracker?

How to place a GPS tracker?

How to place a GPS tracker? Article – 10/11/2021 Placing your GPS tracker, whether in a vehicle or on an equipment, is not to be underestimated. It is essential to know where to place your GPS tracker in order to have an optimal sending of positions, whatever...